How to reach consumers while protecting their privacy
Probabilistic methods allow for personal campaigns while ensuring anonymity. The debate surrounding probabilistic versus deterministic cross-device tracking is nothing new. But with the rapidly evolving online landscape and technological capabilities, and with customers increasingly engaging across multiple devices, brands and agencies should be having a different conversation: They need to...
The fundamentals of influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is the opportunity to have an influencer, someone with authority, market you. The influencer promotes your brand, increases your exposure to their audience, and ultimately helps you sell more products (or gain new customers). The promotion by an influencer is created either entirely by them or with your help, and the content can be in the form of a: Social media post Blog...
Brands advertise more effectively with native
Native advertising is everywhere. It’s the hottest new method of digital marketing, and it’s getting through to consumers where traditional methods of advertising haven’t for years — And, wait for it… Advertisers are actually seeing results. So, what is this miracle method? Well, people seek to ignore advertisements. It’s what we do. It doesn’t even take...
Are consumers burning out on social media?
Contributor Dayle Hall offers tips on how brands can cope as consumers become increasingly detached and fatigued. It’s a troubling sign when Facebook publishes research to answer a serious question, one that we’ve all likely been trying to avoid for some time now: “Is social media bad for us?” Let’s not forget that social media has made a positive impact on how we interact with people, how we...
Knowing your audience better is your competitive advantage: A case study
Sometimes, the key to increasing ROI is not to expand your targeting, but to refine it. Columnist Kristopher Jones shares a case study where hyper-targeted advertising based on detailed customer personas produced award-winning results. Paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allows you leverage your existing customer data (emails, names, addresses) to create...
Why writing style matters for social and content marketing
When it comes to effective marketing, writing style matters — but many marketers ignore it. Columnist Mark Traphagen discusses how to cultivate a sense of style for your marketing. I entered marketing as a career relatively late in life. While I rue not having discovered this wonderful world earlier, one of the things I don’t regret is how useful almost all my previous work experiences...
Seeing the trees for the forest with paid social
Everyone’s on social media these days, so your business should be, too. But without paid media, your campaigns could have the impact of a falling tree that nobody is around to hear. If an evergreen tree were to fall over deep in the Oregon forest, would it make a sound? Of course it would. The 2,000-pound tree would slam down with such force that the ground would shake as the noise...
Social media ad fatigue: How to combat it without spending all day making new creatives
Ad fatigue is a problem we’re all too familiar with, so how can you avoid it? Contributor Laura Collins shares key techniques to refresh your creative efficiently and effectively. Every time we step outside our front door, switch on the television or look at our phones, we’re bombarded by advertising — so much so that many people are sick of it. Last year, downloads of ad blockers...
How to measure the success of your digital marketing: key areas to examine
Some of world’s greatest natural born leaders—from presidents and prime ministers to CEOs and industrial tycoons—spend hours writing and rehearsing speeches in order to captivate audiences and steal hearts around the world. But then something completely unforeseen happens. They reach the podium, the applause dies down, and they start delivering their address. Seconds turn into minutes, and...