The effects of social media platforms on small businesses
We live in a world where places are rated based on how “Instagrammable” they are. Thousands of people around the world share similar content on social media platforms, calling themselves “influencers” and asking for special treatment just because other people on the same social media platforms pushed the “following” button. Ads are being pushed into your newsfeed using complicated algorithms,...
Three digital marketing trends that can bring you closer to your customers
To stay in business, you have to go where the consumers are, and consumers are online more than ever. In fact, “more than a quarter of U.S. adults say they’re ‘almost constantly online.'” This is one of the more startling statistics from Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends Report, which includes observations on how consumer behaviors are shifting and how that shift will...
Online advertising – How to make It 100% effective?
Over the past few years, social networks for business have become an indispensable advertising tool. No surprise that companies spend $68 billion on advertising on social networks and Instagram accounts for a share of $6.8 billion. Big brands are willing to give advice and share the success of their campaigns on Instagram, but for small businesses, the effectiveness of Instagram advertising is...
The five steps for turning clicks into clients
Do you really care how many people saw your website today? Do you care how many cars drove by your billboard today? Do you care how many people walked by your office or shop today and looked in the window? Probably not unless some of those people made a purchase or became a client or new customer. Digital babble or industry jargon or tech speak doesn’t get you, clients. It can get you...
5 tips to make email marketing more creative
Email marketing is one of the founders of digital marketing and is still an effective way to improve your business. Even in this age of social media mania, 91% of all email users worldwide check their emails at least once every day. The challenge is to attract the attention of the recipient who receives at least dozens of emails each day. This need to stand out has made marketers,...
6 keys to branding your business
Believe it or not, branding is about much more than choosing a unique logo or buying a well-placed banner ad. Good branding will increase the value of your company, improve the recognition of your business and create trust with your customers. It can also inspire your employees, and most importantly help generate new customers. So, where do you start? 1. Know Your Buyer Persona Who are you...
How to get your social media followers to do your video marketing for you
In 2019, at least 80% of time spent online will involve either watching or sharing a video. Eighty percent. Put another way, eight out of every ten people you see on the subway, in the gym, or waiting for a table at a restaurant on their phones could be in the midst of consuming video content. That isn’t exposure you want to miss out on. According to Forbes, 90% of people claim video can help...
How to be really good at Digital Marketing in 2020?
With digital trends growing YoY and newer technologies and experiments being tested out in the industry, Digital marketing is bound to take up a larger share in the coming years. With the search engine giant, Google testing out new approaches such as shopping tab to increase customer experience and leveraging buying intent, E-commerce players like Amazon increasing priority to marketplace,...
7 ways to engage customers online
You can find yourself in a tough spot when you want to engage customers online but are held back by limited resources. Taking a strategic approach to small business loans can help you get over financial hurdles by creating a low-risk cash pipeline. Short-term working capital loans help you overcome barriers to engaging with customers online. You can use working capital loans to: • Hire a...