7 ways to keep great content from dying a slow, unremarkable death
A website that isn’t adapting is a website that’s dying. The internet changes so fast that the moment you stop improving your website is the same moment that you start losing momentum and falling behind the competition. If your site isn’t actively adapting to the changing nature of the web, it’s stagnating and growing outdated, stale, and – yes – even boring. And the content on your website is...
Content as a service is the next evolution for marketing
In order for businesses to continue to provide customers and prospects with the right content, via the right channel at the right time, they will need to embrace CaaS. Content marketing has quickly become one of the most important marketing channels for any business. According to data reported by CMI, 88 percent of B2B marketers produce at least one piece of content a day. Of course, marketers...
Don’t let these 2 myths block your email marketing success
Your job is finding the people who want to hear from you. or entrepreneurs who use email marketing, getting your messages into the inbox is critical. But some common misconceptions about email marketing reveal that the real challenge isn’t about getting in the inbox at all. The secret — if you want to call it that — is creating email content that people actually want to read. It’s...
7 ways to get more people to trust your content
These proactive measures can help you separate your trustworthy content from the untruthful stories flooding the internet. Any time we hop on our phones or laptops, we just might feel that the glut of content there is suffocating us. How does that happen? Google the terms “how to,” “what is” or even “social media marketing,” and watch as your screen is...
A guide to getting the most out of your content marketing
By engaging visitors, you build trust, which makes it easier to snag qualified leads and close sales. As content curators and marketers strive to keep up with this rapidly evolving industry, it is critical to produce pieces that both resonate with the audience and provide a return on investment. By engaging visitors, you build trust, which makes it easier to snag qualified leads and close...
7 ways to increase your content marketing ROI
Every successful content marketing strategy can be boiled down to two key ingredients: content creation and content promotion. While the type of content you create can vary significantly depending on your industry, the way you promote your content doesn’t vary as much — in large part because promotion comes down to one universal goal, which is getting your content in front of as many eyes as...
The 7 things successful content marketers do differently
Do you ever question whether you’re doing all you can for your content strategy? Do you get the sense that your peers are outperforming you? Entrepreneurs are usually a brand’s first marketer. On average, about 28 percent of an organization’s entire marketing budget is spent on content marketing, making it one of the most significant marketing strategies in use: In fact, most proponents...
How businesses can benefit from blogging
There are many benefits of blogging for business today. In fact, blogging is critical. However, bland, run-of-the-mill blog posts won’t cut it. These are lazy and ineffective. So what is effective? Publishing informative, well-written articles that are created with strategy and customer engagement in mind. Blogging helps to: Draw online traffic. Nurture and convert customers. Keep current...
Native advertising: keeping it short and sweet
Publishers are increasingly focussing on how the content is consumed. Taking note of emerging trends in the native advertising space will help brands to build a stronger connect The growth of competing online platforms, creativity and improved technology has given rise to the biggest changes in native advertising. Advertisers are now willing to convey interesting stories to audiences for...