How to detox your digital marketing strategy
Today, everyone wants to start an online business. There are many success stories out there when it comes to eCommerce businesses, be it on Amazon or somewhere else online, with several true case studies of 6-figure businesses being established within short spans of time. However, for every success story, there are hundreds of online businesses that crash and burn—often within the 6-12...
4 big tips to make your brand more memorable & appealing
I’ve been in the midst of a property renovation for the last few months and this has involved a lot of buying items online. Hours of reading reviews looking for the best-recommended product and then, when I’m at the point of sale, searching for the best price so I can complete my purchase. For many items, I have found that my choice of a wide variety of retailers is not down to the cheapest...
6 tips you need to get SEM forecasting right
Forecasting is one of those… things. There’s a myriad of thoughts running through your mind. Each thought casting doubt in the accuracy of your glorified guess. Do I aim low or high? What if I’m wrong?!? What is competition going to do this year? There are so many unknowns, how can I predict what’s going to happen when I’m not a wizard? You have far more information available than you can...
These 5 next‑gen native ad formats will shape the future of ecommerce
Native ads give brands the opportunity to align with the intention of their audience, instead of fighting for their attention. And the format represents a valuable opportunity to harness that alignment and attention to drive online commerce through compelling and relevant native campaigns. Native advertising is projected to be an $85 billion global industry by 2021 and is considered an...
How to develop your PPC strategy
A successful PPC campaign begins with a strategy. You need to know what you want to accomplish. What is your goal? A PPC program can actually consist of many different goals Sometimes your PPC goals will be obvious, but sometimes this will require more consideration. The most common PPC goals include: Brand awareness Product and brand consideration Leads Sales Repeat sales Each one of these...
Top tips for navigating ecommerce
As the founder of a global ecommerce leader in custom-printed, die-cut products, Andrew Witkin is widely recognized as a leading authority on ecommerce, customization, startups, marketing and the tech economy. Andrew has also served as VP North American Licensing for Nelvana/Corus Entertainment and Director of Marketing for MegaBrands/Mattel. Navigating the ever-changing landscape of ecommerce...
More brands are turning to in-game advertising
Although there are benefits to advertising through mobile games like higher completion rates for rewarded videos and captive audiences, brands have been relatively slow to adopt it. Reasons for this has been largely attributed to two factors, the first being that many still believe that the gaming audience is comprised largely of teenage boys, which limits the demographic appeal. The second is...
The changing state of mobile video advertising
Are you seeing more video ads show up on your phone when using your favorite apps? You’re not alone. Mobile advertising is one of the fastest growing media channels today, as app developers and marketers are increasingly embracing in-app video advertising. So, how is mobile in-app video advertising changing? We analyzed over 750 billion global mobile ad impressions stretching from January 2016...
Digital advertising: Make the most of display
Digital advertising will make up half of all ad spend by 2020, advertising agency Magna Global forecasts, and display is an integral part of that. Display advertising boosts brand awareness by up to 12% and brand perception by 2%, research suggests. In today’s bustling digital space, display advertising is particularly popular for winning customers’ attention. Screwfix brand and marketing...