Businesses know their consumers reside online and recognize online advertising as an integral part of the overall marketing mix and a way to reach customers more affordably than traditional advertising, according to a new survey published by business news site The Manifest that gauged marketers’ online advertising habits.
Two-thirds of businesses (66 percent) said they invest in online ads to reach customers, and about a quarter of businesses that do so (24 percent) said their top goal for using online advertising is to boost sales and revenue.
The study also discovered that most businesses rely on a variety of online ad channels to reach consumers. Of the businesses that said they invest in online advertising, social media advertising (86 percent), display advertising (80 percent), and paid search marketing (66 percent) were the most popular channels used.
The study also found that most remain skeptical of retargeting advertising — or ads aimed at consumers who’ve previously visited a business’s site or purchased a business’s products — as fewer than half (43 percent) admitted investing in the practice.
The Manifest’s 2018 Online Advertising Survey polled more than 500 digital marketers across the U.S. stationed at companies staffing more than 100 employees.
by Jon Gingerich
source: O’Dwyer’s