This article will help advertisers ensure long-term success despite the instability of pay-per-click search engine advertising as an online marketing platform.
Pay-per-click search engine advertising is great for generating short-term profits from internet businesses, but with the difficulties in finding good long-term online advertising platforms, more and more PPC advertisers are seeing their long-term investments lose steam, traffic, and eventually income. Advertisers and internet marketing specialists that were once investing hundreds of thousands per month into the Google AdWords pay-per-click search engine advertising platform are becoming frustrated with the lack of impressions, and are desperately searching for a new place to market their products.
This raises a dilemma for pay-per-click advertisers. The web traffic sources that were once almost guaranteed to bring in tons of visitors are quickly being turned on their heads. From inconsistent pay-per-click search engine advertising network rules to bizarre blogger testimonial rulings, internet marketing specialists and online advertisers are being slapped with business-breaking conditions and limitations. Therefore, diversification is becoming more important, and online marketers that are playing for the long-term are quickly spreading their online advertising spending as wide as they can.
The following five tips will help internet marketing specialists, specifically, PPC advertisers, diversify their pay-per-click search engine advertising campaigns, and avoid having an empire of internet businesses that ends with a single change in the rules of an ad network.
1. Keep backup LLCs and credit cards for internet businesses
With Google’s bans of various advertisers, things are becoming turbulent for internet businesses. While the Google AdWords pay-per-click search engine advertising team is primarily cracking down on online scammers, thousands of legitimate internet businesses are being caught in the mass-bans, and many are left without a source of online income.
Whenever that happens, internet marketing specialists and pay-per-click advertisers need an alternative account to use and advertise on. All small business owners that rely heavily on online advertising platforms should prepare for the worst, and keep a backup company name and credit card available in case their account is ever unexpectedly or accidentally banned.
2. Don’t just diversify with PPC search engine advertising, incorporate SEO into a game plan
When it comes to success with internet business, the real long-term money-makers are SEO-driven websites. Once websites of internet businesses rank highly on search engines for the right search terms, traffic becomes free and all revenues generated from it have higher profit margins. That is the long-term value of incorporating search engine optimization into a search marketing campaign.
“Search marketing offers opportunities for huge web traffic and internet marketing specialists should know that it is not all about publishing good advertisements,”
Samran Raza of UnitedSeo, in a recent e-mail interview, said
“Small business owners who want their online presence to extend and scale beyond paid-for traffic should spend some time and money building high-ranking websites through search engine optimization”.
3. Don’t just depend on social media traffic
When it comes to internet advertising turbulence, social media websites are the worst of the worst. From Facebook’s advertisement approval policies to MySpace’s massive amount of click fraud, the potential for things to go wrong on social networking websites is very real. Pay-per-click advertisers and internet marketing specialists should minimize the amount that social media traffic can hurt their internet businesses by spreading their online advertising campaigns across search engines, social networks, and smaller websites.
4. Build relationships with ad network reps
If something goes wrong with one pay-per-click search engine advertising account, internet marketing specialists need a direct line to solve the problems. While contact forms and email exchanges can solve problems, they are typically slow, and when online advertisers are bleeding money, that is the last thing they need. A power user on any major advertising network should keep in touch and build relationships with their account reps and help desk staff who will be there to offer great value especially when it is most needed.
5. Experiment with small advertising networks
Let’s talk about big guns like Google AdWords. Search marketing can serve up traffic, but when it comes to customer service they are often beaten by their smaller rivals. It is a bad idea for pay-per-click advertisers and internet marketing specialists to spend all of their advertising money on small networks, but spreading a portion of their monthly expenditures into them is a great way to get personal service, caring account reps, and knowledge from people that really know online advertising.
Long-term pay-per-click advertisers think wide, not thin. These tips will help any online marketer spread wide, wield their online influence, and keep their profitable marketing and advertising campaigns going.
by Jacob M.
source: Search Engine Watch