If you have been searching the internet for the best ways to make money online, chances are that you have read a lot of garbage already. That is because there are many pyramid schemes targeting unsuspecting job seekers, both offline and online, not forgetting websites that lie just to get clicks. So, before we tell you how to make money online, we have to mention that ours isn’t a list of get-rich-quickly, passive income online jobs. Our aim is to teach you how to monetize your online efforts to make real money.
Here are the best 7 ways to make money online in 2020:
1. Video tutorials
Almost everyone has a smartphone and can access the internet these days, which translates to increased consumption of online content. Video content, in particular, has a huge viewership on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you can carve a niche for yourself on these platforms, you can create a YouTube account and then direct the social media viewership to that account. All you need is to have a skill/knowledge that people need in 2020. If, for example, you are a yoga expert, a chef, a carpenter, or a plumber, among other skillsets, you can create how-to videos and monetize them by charging a subscription fee or using your social accounts as marketing platforms.
2. Become a translator
Companies seeking to expand to international markets hire academic, technology, medical, legal, marketing, and engineering specialists, among other professions, to work as online freelance document translators. If you speak another language fluently and can review grammar, spelling, and syntax in that language correctly, professional document translations would be a great online gig for you.
3. Join a social investment network
These are platforms that bring together traders who are interested in cryptocurrency, stocks, and other online trading. If you have some money saved up, you can take the risk of investing in an index fund, for example, through a social investment network.
4. Affiliate marketing
You can make money by reviewing and marketing the items you like/buy on an e-commerce platform. Amazon, for example, has an affiliate marketing program that you can join for free. You are given an affiliate link that earns you a small commission every time a client purchases an item on Amazon (or whichever program you are in) through your link. This can be a great way of making money passively. However, before the passive income starts to flow in, you have to put in a lot of work. The most successful affiliate marketers have their own highly-optimized blogs where they post their review articles.
5. Become an online English teacher
Teach English to non-natives for a steady paycheck. All you need is to sign up to a foreign language online platform especially those that target Far East markets. Some of the platforms that you can check out include GoOverseas.com, iTutorGroup, English Hunt, and TeachAway. These platforms teach English online to Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean college and high school learners.
6. Social e-commerce
Social e-commerce is just like mainstream e-commerce only that instead of creating a website for your products/services, you sell them on social media. This is a good hustle to try especially if you already command a huge followership online. Maybe you have been streaming advice for your friends and followers on Facebook, and they like it. Instead of settling for likes, start giving them snippets of different social topics and then asking them to pay for complete lessons. You can password-protect your content and then send it via WhatsApp to people who pay you. If you have products to sell, e.g. fashion items, social media can be a great market for your products.
7. Publish an Ebook
Publish an Ebook on Amazon KDP and promote it on social media. If you have sellable ideas for a book but cannot write, you can hire a freelance writer or an editor to collaborate your ideas into an ebook, and a graphic designer to design a bestseller’s cover.
Making money online is an ongoing process; not a onetime thing. You need to be patient, dedicated and offer online users solutions that they actually need.
Remember that just like you bypassed tons of garbage before landing on this helpful article, other online users will bypass your content if it is substandard. Be ready to learn, adjust, and invest in your online business at all times in order to keep attracting meaningful traffic and to remain at the top of the game.
by Amanda Booska
source: SiteProNews