The best ways to make money online in 2020
If you have been searching the internet for the best ways to make money online, chances are that you have read a lot of garbage already. That is because there are many pyramid schemes targeting unsuspecting job seekers, both offline and online, not forgetting websites that lie just to get clicks. So, before we tell you how to make money online, we have to mention that ours isn’t a list of...
Make 2020 the year for e-commerce to get better with the mobile experience
It’s time to go through your website and figure out if this is the experience we want customers to have, especially on a mobile device. Contributor and SMX speaker, Duane Brown, explains in this video why 2020 is the year to get a handle on your mobile experience as well as find the platforms your customers are on and experiment if they’re new to you. Below is the video transcript: Hey, my...
How to prime your new e-commerce platform for success
Don’t be under the misconception that building an e-commerce store is the most important part of your task as a founder. In fact, your job has just begun. Digital marketing is vital to create exposure, to attract customers, build their trust and engage with them. It’s a blueprint for your online portal. There’s a lot of data proving the importance of attracting and retaining customers for...