What is display advertising?
On October 27, 1994, the first banner advertisement was posted on a tech website called Wired. Long story short, AT&T paid Wired $30,000 for a three-month subscription to their banner ad. As a result, the click through rate was 44%, being higher than today’s average click through rate, which is typically around 0.5%. I guess we can say that this story was how display advertising made a...
What are the advantages of choosing elevator marketing
It helps to raise consumer awareness about the brand, products, and services.it is most efficient because these ads are placed in the lifts and the lifts have very rare distractions so the people in the lift will focus on the ads only Marketing and advertising are those tools without which any business cannot survive these days. The competition is really high and the use tools help one to...
Top 10 B2B display advertising strategies for 2020 and beyond
Display advertising is a part of digital advertising that can drive significant long-term results when appropriately implemented. Let’s look at ten B2B display advertising strategies as we head towards 2020. There’s a prevalent misconception among B2B companies that display advertising doesn’t work beyond its limited utility during the awareness stage of the funnel. This couldn’t be further...
The five steps for turning clicks into clients
Do you really care how many people saw your website today? Do you care how many cars drove by your billboard today? Do you care how many people walked by your office or shop today and looked in the window? Probably not unless some of those people made a purchase or became a client or new customer. Digital babble or industry jargon or tech speak doesn’t get you, clients. It can get you...
Digital advertising: Make the most of display
Digital advertising will make up half of all ad spend by 2020, advertising agency Magna Global forecasts, and display is an integral part of that. Display advertising boosts brand awareness by up to 12% and brand perception by 2%, research suggests. In today’s bustling digital space, display advertising is particularly popular for winning customers’ attention. Screwfix brand and marketing...
How to become a digital marketing wizard in five easy steps
The times they are a-changin’, especially in the online world. Grab yourself this digital marketing course if you want to step into the 21st century. From Facebook ads to YouTube, digital marketers need to be able to do it all in this day and age. Lucky for you, through eight courses and 25 hours of content, you’ll quickly get up to speed. Starting with the basics, you’ll blast through courses...