4 ways to create deeper connections with e-commerce customers
Just because consumers are online doesn’t mean you can’t form meaningful relationships. To build a successful e-commerce business today, you have to realize that you’re not in the business of selling products — you’re in the people business. People don’t buy products. They look for solutions to their problems and answers to their questions. They look for ways to be better versions...
4 big tips to make your brand more memorable & appealing
I’ve been in the midst of a property renovation for the last few months and this has involved a lot of buying items online. Hours of reading reviews looking for the best-recommended product and then, when I’m at the point of sale, searching for the best price so I can complete my purchase. For many items, I have found that my choice of a wide variety of retailers is not down to the cheapest...
How to develop your PPC strategy
A successful PPC campaign begins with a strategy. You need to know what you want to accomplish. What is your goal? A PPC program can actually consist of many different goals Sometimes your PPC goals will be obvious, but sometimes this will require more consideration. The most common PPC goals include: Brand awareness Product and brand consideration Leads Sales Repeat sales Each one of these...
6 keys to branding your business
Believe it or not, branding is about much more than choosing a unique logo or buying a well-placed banner ad. Good branding will increase the value of your company, improve the recognition of your business and create trust with your customers. It can also inspire your employees, and most importantly help generate new customers. So, where do you start? 1. Know Your Buyer Persona Who are you...
Is yours a digitally born business? What? You haven’t yet embraced your brand?
In the past, digitally native businesses found their first success without a brand: In fact, many Silicon Valley companies didn’t even use the “B” word. Conventional VC wisdom, in fact, supported a model where entrepreneur would take the lowest salary possible, live on the future promise of their equity stake, put all their money into your engineers and their UX designers, code a killer...
7 ways to get more people to trust your content
These proactive measures can help you separate your trustworthy content from the untruthful stories flooding the internet. Any time we hop on our phones or laptops, we just might feel that the glut of content there is suffocating us. How does that happen? Google the terms “how to,” “what is” or even “social media marketing,” and watch as your screen is...
6 keys to increasing your revenue in a declining market
In 2014, King’s Hawaiian overtook Bimbo as the leading U.S. vendor in “all other fresh rolls/buns/croissants.” In 2016, the bakery increased sales of fresh rolls and buns by 12.2 percent and hamburger and hotdog buns by 23.9 percent, outperforming competitors by a large margin. No matter what your business is, that’s success you want to emulate. I had the chance to speak with Erick Dickens,...
10 laws of social media marketing
Leveraging the power of content and social media marketing can help elevate your audience and customer base in a dramatic way. But getting started without any previous experience or insight could be challenging. It’s vital that you understand social media marketing fundamentals. From maximizing quality to increasing your online entry points, abiding by these 10 laws will help build a...
The importance of understanding your customers (and what to do about it)
Branding isn’t about your color scheme, or the clever tagline you come up with from the confines of your office. Branding is about how your customer actually perceives you. If your customer perceives you as filling a need (tangible or psychological) they have, that’s the essence of good branding. With this perspective in mind, it becomes clear that the first step to successful branding is...