How to use guest posts to establish your professional creds
When it comes to establishing your professional credentials through digital marketing, few methods can match the effectiveness of guest posting. Contributing content to trusted, relevant sites will increase your brand exposure and establish you as a thought leader in your field. Why is guest posting so powerful? Is the effort to search for suitable sites, reach out to site owners, and write...
Why is no one reading my company blog? 4 possible reasons
Ever felt like you’re writing for an audience of…one? Don’t worry – we’ve all been there. While everyone says that content is still king, it’s only fair to admit that the crown only belongs to that content that’s actually read. Otherwise, content is just a bad investment. My agencies, Idunn and Copywritech, have helped dozens of small businesses create blog content that gets read, shared and,...
B2B marketers look to match B2C in level of customer experience
Study says B2B marketers need to prioritize data governance to improve CX. Customer experience (CX) has become an increased focus for marketers across industries, but many B2B marketers feel as though they need to catch-up to their consumer-facing counterparts to deliver better experiences. Nearly 90% of B2B marketers think their organizations need to be as focused on customer experience as...
6 keys to branding your business
Believe it or not, branding is about much more than choosing a unique logo or buying a well-placed banner ad. Good branding will increase the value of your company, improve the recognition of your business and create trust with your customers. It can also inspire your employees, and most importantly help generate new customers. So, where do you start? 1. Know Your Buyer Persona Who are you...
Medium is the solution if you want to blog without any overhead
The service helps with hosting, design and building your audience. You’re on your own for a steady stream of fresh ideas HubSpot claims that it is essential for any business to blog. One of the reasons being is that B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67 percent more leads than those that do not. If you’re considering blogging but don’t want to deal with hosting, design issues and...
How businesses can benefit from blogging
There are many benefits of blogging for business today. In fact, blogging is critical. However, bland, run-of-the-mill blog posts won’t cut it. These are lazy and ineffective. So what is effective? Publishing informative, well-written articles that are created with strategy and customer engagement in mind. Blogging helps to: Draw online traffic. Nurture and convert customers. Keep current...
Programmatic Ads and how to improve the CTR
Using software to purchase digital advertising (online display, social media advertising, mobile and video campaigns etc.) isn’t new, though many companies are still learning the nuances of how to make this advertising approach pay off. Very often, even when an audience is very precisely defined, programmatic campaigns do not always play out as advertisers expect. Properly setting expectations...
10 ways to be a terrible blogger (AKA, blogging no-nos to avoid at all costs)
When marketers like you set out to establish blogs, they want them to be successful. After all, what’s the point of putting your time, energy, and effort into a blog if nobody wants to read it or share it with their friends? Here’s the hard truth, though. Even though nobody wants to be a bad blogger, many people accidentally take steps that make them into mediocre bloggers. If you’re one of...
10 simple ways to grow your blog following
How do you build fans? Sure, you could pay for them or trick them into coming to your blogs with sneaky headlines. Or… You could take the long (but most effective route). While building a blog following doesn’t happen overnight, there are several effective things you can do to gain a strong and long-lasting group of readers who want to engage with your content. Read on to learn more. 10...