7 ways to engage customers online
You can find yourself in a tough spot when you want to engage customers online but are held back by limited resources. Taking a strategic approach to small business loans can help you get over financial hurdles by creating a low-risk cash pipeline. Short-term working capital loans help you overcome barriers to engaging with customers online. You can use working capital loans to: • Hire a...
5 ways to get your ROI with your company’s social media
Take these key factors into account as you build your social media presence to optimize your brand and ensure maximum visibility. You’ve heard it already: Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy; you’ve read about it already: Post engaging content, get more followers, get more leads; and you’ve (likely) been told this already: Social media activity and SEO (search engine...
Why trust is the new marketing currency
When it comes to connecting with potential customers, there are few things more valuable than trust. Trust is an essential factor in every business relationship. Imagine you’re headed to a jewelry store to purchase a Rolex watch. Maybe you can’t really afford one, but just imagine: On your way to the store, you see a man on the street. He sidles up to you, rolls up his sleeve and shows you his...
What is online display advertising
Definition of Online Display Advertising Display advertising (banner advertising) is a form of advertising that conveys a commercial message visually using text, logos, animations, videos, photographs, or other graphics. Display advertisers frequently target users with particular traits to increase the ads’ effect. A new world with an increasingly connected consumer According to studies...