Brands advertise more effectively with native
Native advertising is everywhere. It’s the hottest new method of digital marketing, and it’s getting through to consumers where traditional methods of advertising haven’t for years — And, wait for it… Advertisers are actually seeing results. So, what is this miracle method? Well, people seek to ignore advertisements. It’s what we do. It doesn’t even take...
Are consumers burning out on social media?
Contributor Dayle Hall offers tips on how brands can cope as consumers become increasingly detached and fatigued. It’s a troubling sign when Facebook publishes research to answer a serious question, one that we’ve all likely been trying to avoid for some time now: “Is social media bad for us?” Let’s not forget that social media has made a positive impact on how we interact with people, how we...
Three ways AI will revolutionize email marketing
The promise of artificial intelligence has put stars in many marketers’ eyes, but it’s not always clear what’s hype and what’s real. Contributor Kyle Henderick lays out some tactics that can be employed today. Not only is artificial intelligence (AI) one of the hottest topics in the media today, it’s also one of the biggest points of discussion among email marketers....
Native advertising: A meaningful way to break through the clutter
Anyone who runs in marketing circles has probably heard the phrase “banner blindness”, and most people (marketing circles or not) suffer at least occasionally from the phenomenon. Banner blindness refers to the fact that consumers today are so inundated with display advertisements, particularly during online content browsing, that they’ve both consciously and subconsciously started to tune...
Good SEO habits: Turning over a new leaf in 2018
Join a gym, start that diet, call your parents more and turn over a new leaf for your SEO strategy. Whether you’re a stickler for New Year’s resolutions, or the very thought makes you roll your eyes, reviewing your SEO habits for 2018 should be a priority for every business and digital marketer. You don’t need me to tell you how fast-paced the digital world can be, with the pressures of...
3 ways to build your brand identity using content marketing
Can your company’s content pass the “no-logo test”? When I work with digital strategy clients who are struggling with content marketing, I always ask them to take the logo test, inspired by this excellent Content Marketing Institute article. You should try it, too. To do that, copy and paste articles you’ve written, along with articles from your competitors, into Word...
Here’s how ecommerce brands can create their marketing strategy for 2018
Whether you just launched your ecommerce business or even if it has reached the point of maintaining a massive userbase, it is important to create a killer marketing strategy to stay ahead of the curve. When it comes to ecommerce businesses, the only way for consumers to find out about your brand is through effective marketing. But sadly, there are many brands that only focus their efforts and...
How to reverse-engineer your online advertising strategy
In PPC, we often talk about eye-catching ad copy — but columnist Jacob Baadsgaard suggests that, rather than focusing on different ways to catch your customer’s eye, advertisers should start by looking at what customers are already responding to. Online advertising experts love to talk about the importance of matching your landing page content to your ads. And you’ll get no...
Smart content & smart SEO: mastering audiences & architecture
In today’s contextual algorithmic world, building a website that reflects SEO best practices while delivering results begins with creating the right architecture and building content that is smart and easily discoverable by your audiences. What Is Smart Content? Simply put, smart content is: Discoverable (easily found). Optimized (from point of creation). Profitable (measurable). Easily...